Development and drafting of a new proposal
Rewrite of a fully developed existing proposal
Response to a Request for Proposal (RFP), Request for Applications (RFA) or a Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA)
3,500 to $7,500 and Up
Development and drafting of a case statement for the organization
Development and drafting of a press release
Development and drafting on an organizational brochure or an annual report
$1,000 and Up
Proofreading (without rewrite) and editing an existing proposal
Development of a campaign or project-appeal letter
Conduct prospect research and provide a minimum of 25 funding sources
Develop and draft a comprehensive fund-development plan
$1,500 and Up
Conduct grant-writing seminar plus expenses
$5,000 per day
Event-planning and development plus expenses
$5,000 and Up
Specialized Services: Prospective donor follow-up,editing of books, newsletters, Web site copy, editing of foreign languages translation to English, ghostwriting, Etc. Fee determined on a case-by-case basis
Retainer fees for Grant Writing
A retainer fee of $250.00 is due at the signing of the contract and is nonrefundable. Before any work can start, 50% of the total cost of services will be required for projects $3,000.00 or less. This 50% deposit does include the $250.00 retainer fee. If the contract is dissolved, for any reason the retainer fee will not be refunded. If the project is over $3,000.00, 25% of the project's total will be required and includes the $250.00 contract signing retainer. The balance due will be billed each month over a two to six-month period automatically. Failure to make regular payments on the balance will result in additional fees and or legal action. The completed project will not be submitted to the organization or grant making body until the final payment is received. Further details are contained in the contract.