Welcome to CompassPointe Microschool and Small Business Solutions: Pioneering the Future of Education!
At CompassPointe, we believe in the transformative power of education and its incredible potential to shape futures, empower individuals, and create a better world. Our passion and commitment to education have led us to establish a unique platform dedicated to entrepreneurs like you, who are ready to take the leap and start their own microschool or small business. We understand the challenges and complexities of starting a microschool and are here to provide you with the knowledge, expertise, and encouragement you need to succeed.
Whether you are an experienced educator looking to break free from the traditional schooling system or a passionate individual eager to make a difference in the lives of learners, CompassPointe is your ally and advocate. We are committed to helping you create an innovative, inclusive, and inspirational learning environment.
Explore our website to discover the myriad of services, solutions, and support we offer. From comprehensive startup guides and curriculum development resources to ongoing mentoring and community-building initiatives, we have everything you need to start, sustain, and succeed in your microschooling journey.
Join us on the frontlines of Education Reform at CompassPointe and be a part of a vibrant community of edupreneurs who are redefining education, one microschool at a time. Together, we can create personalized learning experiences that are empowering and life-changing.
"I used to hesitate seeking help, often finding myself overwhelmed with tasks but determined to be a one-woman show. This reluctance stemmed from a fear that involving others might dilute my vision. However, recognizing that this mindset hindered my business growth, I embraced collaboration with reliable partners who enhanced my efficiency and ability to thrive. Now, through CompassPointe,
I aim to offer similar support to fellow entrepreneurs."
Laurel E. Suarez, CEO

How We Can Work Together
Boost your productivity by hiring a microschool virtual assistant.
Take the vision out of your head and let the world see!
Brainstorm, plan, and get ready to execute your curated vision.
Check out a few of our logo designs.
Time to get started with your new venture! We can help!
Ready to discuss our solutions? Let's connect soon!